​The Kelleys:
Linda Kelley
Born and educated in Cleveland, Ohio, I had access to supportive art teachers and
inspirational, reputable institutions. Dan Mihuta was my third grade art teacher. He
stood as an exemplary mentor, recommending me for an art program held at the
Cleveland Museum of Art for elementary students. In third grade, I had opportunities
that exposed me to great paintings and historical perspectives.
At The Ohio State University, I redirected my focus to education. Even though I
enrolled in art classes, I graduated with degrees in education, eventually focusing on a
doctoral dissertation that emphasized integrating and evaluating the impact of fine art
studies on written expression for gifted students. Currently retired, I have returned to
studying artist expression, predominantly in oils.
J. Steve Kelley
I grew up in Bucyrus, Ohio, where I began to show an interest in art. I have always
found satisfaction in making things, and have a deep appreciation for art.
After serving three years in the U.S. Army I decided to pursue a career in art and
attended Columbus College of Art and Design, majoring in advertising design with an
illustration minor.
I worked in the advertising field designing logos and other promotional material and
illustration before deciding to teach art. I taught art to elementary and middle school
students in Columbus, Ohio for 15 years and have been teaching high school art for
the past three years in Sandusky, Ohio.
I have worked in many mediums and genres including graphic design, cartooning and
caricature, painting, drawing and creating three-dimensional pieces. Recently my
focus has been on oil painting, in studio and plein air.