Port Clinton Arts & Crafts Festival Sign Up
This year's event is to be held on Saturday, June 14 from 9am-4pm at Waterworks Park, 110 Madison Ave., Port Clinton OH 43452.
Rules governing this event:
All work must be the original work of the Artist or Crafter. No imports or commercially made products & No Wholesalers or Dealers.
The GPCAAC reserves the right to require non compliant exhibitors to leave the festival. Registration fee will not be refunded.
Please email three (3) photos of your work and if you are creating the art/craft. If you have submitted photos for prior years or are a return vendor, resubmittal is not required. Email your work to us at: gpcaacartscrafts@gmail.com. Please read the section below on proper naming of your files.
When marking your photos, name photo as: YourLastName-Item1.jpg Here's an example: Booth-Fish1.jpg -
Spaces are reserved. Upon Arrival, Exhibitors must check-in to receive space assignment.
Exhibitors may not expand outside of their assigned spaces.
Exhibitors must remain open until scheduled closing time.
Exhibitors are responsible for collecting and remitting sales tax.
Exhibitors assume full responsibility for loss or damage to their property or person.
Exhibitors that are “No Shows” will be removed from the mailing list unless absence is explained.
Exhibitors must ensure that their tents or awnings are securely fastened, weighted &/or anchored.
The Greater Port Clinton Area Arts Council will make every attempt to accommodate the space assignment requests of vendors, YET reserves the right to change assignments without notice.
Festival is “Rain or Shine” with no Rain Date.
There will be NO REFUNDS or Carry Overs.
Early Registration Must be in by May 15, 2025 to receive $50 price, after May 15th the price is $60.
Check-In & Set Up
Check-In & Set Up Begins at 7:00 am. The Check-In Table will be located at the Waterworks Park. All vehicles must be out of the show area by 8:30am
NO EARLY BREAKDOWN Break Down from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM; You should be out of the park by 6:00 PM. Exhibitors who breakdown before 4:00 PM will not receive an invitation to next year’s show.
Email: gpcaacartscrafts@gmail.com; ottawacountyarts@gmail.com
Snail Mail: Greater Port Clinton Area Arts Council P. O. Box 66, Port Clinton, OH 43452
Phone/Text Contact: Cathy King 419-239-3535.